

Client: Botswana Accounting College (BAC)
Project Type: Design & Construction

Designed to Inspire

The Botswana Accounting College (BAC) is a strategic institution in the national development of human capital and skills capacity agenda. The college institutional strategy is therefore aligned to the National vision 2016 and NDP 10. BAC operates a constitution as an instrument of governance. The college is a specialised institution of business education.

In order to support the academic aspiration of BAC, the master plan preparation was guided by a number of goals as outlined in the design brief namely;

Develop connections with the existing facilities Create a sense of place and Identity for the campus Relate functionality along five key areas: administration, academic, residential, Services and Centre of excellence Create flexibility within the structure to enable the buildings adapt to future use

Integrate technology within the built form Establish a BAC brand and Enhance it Create a phased development that allows for financially sustainable roll out Enhance experience of place and Opportunities for collaboration with green breakout spaces and squares that juxtapose the buildings Conserve the environment

As such the campus has been designed to accommodate various uses such as administration, Educational, Accommodation, School of Hospitality and recreational spaces.

Botswana Accounting College
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